Video on demand

Remote Collaboration and Color Grading in the Cloud

Marlon Campos

Marlon Campos

AWS Senior Solutions Architect
Lou Levenson

Lou Levenson

Colorist Society International Fellow
Peter Postman

Peter Postma

FilmLight Managing Director, Americas
Debra Kaufman

Debra Kaufman

Entertainment/Tech Journalist and Writer

The NAB Show panel “Remote Collaborations – Color Grading in the Cloud” features AWS’s Marlon Campos, Colorist Society (CSI) Fellow Lou Levinson, and FilmLight’s Peter Postma in conversation about the advent of remote work in post-production color.

The speakers discuss the cutting-edge technology that is enabling colorists to work remotely and to overcome the challenges of image quality, security, latency and other technical issues. They also contrast the benefits of pure-cloud, hybrid and brick-and-mortar workflows.

Journalist Debra Kaufman served as moderator. The session was produced for SMPTE Hollywood, in association with SMPTE, by Linda Rosner. It was filmed in the Connect Inspiration Theatre of the West Hall during NAB Show.

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