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Navigating the Multi-Cloud Universe for Production and Post

Katrina King

Katrina King

Amazon Web Services (AWS) -- Global Strategy Leader for Content Production
Andy Beach

Andy Beach

Microsoft -- CTO for Media and Entertainment Industry
Buzz Hays

Buzz Hays

Google Cloud Global Lead Entertainment Industry Solutions for Content Creation
Victor Vaile

Victor Vaile

MTI Film Director of Engineering
Debra Kaufman

Debra Kaufman

Entertainment/Tech Journalist and Writer

The NAB Show panel “Production & Post in the Multi-Cloud Universe” brings together Microsoft’s Andy Beach, Google Cloud’s Buzz Hays, AWS’s Katrina King and MTI Film’s Victor Vaile for an exploration of the myriad cloud workflow solutions that have arisen in recent years via hyper-scalers, SaaS offerings, and private clouds.

The speakers offer insight into the impact of AI-driven technologies, global connectivity, cloud processing and content delivery networks, and describe how post-production providers can benefit from the unlimited applications, computing power and storage resources available through the cloud.

Journalist Debra Kaufman served as moderator. The session was produced for SMPTE Hollywood, in association with SMPTE, by Steven B. Cohen, Laura Thommen and Linda Rosner. The session was filmed in the Connect Inspiration Theatre of the West Hall during NAB Show.

For more information, visit our dedicated cloud workflow micro-site.