Video on demand

Optimizing Studio Cloud Storage: Best Practices from Netflix (1306)

Vinay Kawade

Netflix -- Senior Software Engineer

Esha Palta

Netflix -- Senior Software Engineer

Netflix generates hundreds of petabytes of assets each year, supporting the production of original content for its industry-leading streaming platform. The content ranges from image sequences to large IMF files used to source encoding. Netflix has gained significant experience running these operations in the cloud, connecting studio artists, designers and production experts across the globe to increase the pace and quality of their content creation. In this session, hear about Netflix’s journey to improve its cloud storage efficiency, including the phases of ingest, production, mastering, and long-term storage. Learn from its best practices developed throughout each phase of the production cycle to improve efficiency and lower storage costs.


  • Vinay Kawade, Senior Software Engineer, Netflix
  • Esha Palta, Senior Software Engineer, Netflix