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Mastering Filmmaking with ACES: Your Secret Weapon for Color Management (1091)

Debra Kaufman

Debra Kaufman

Entertainment/Tech Journalist and Writer

Rory Gordon, CSH

Keep Me Posted/FotoKem -- Colorist, Keep Me Posted/FotoKem

Michael Maloney

Walt Disney Motion Picture Labs -- Senior Manager of Image and Color

Stu Maschwitz

Maxon -- CCO

The Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) is a free color and digital file management system widely used in studio and indie features, television shows, commercials and more. Join working filmmakers to hear their experiences with ACES, and how it supports both workflows and creativity. The session will delve into practical tips and real-world examples demonstrating how ACES can streamline production processes and achieve consistent, high-quality results across diverse projects.


  • Moderator Debra Kaufman, Entertainment/Tech Journalist and Writer
  • Rory Gordon, CSH, Colorist, Keep Me Posted/FotoKem
  • Michael Maloney, Senior Manager of Image and Color, Walt Disney Motion Picture Labs
  • Stu Maschwitz, CCO, Maxon