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Investing In and With Creators (713)

Jim Louderback

Inside the Creator Economy -- Publisher

Matt Gielen

Electric Monster -- CEO and Co-Founder

Ashesh Shah

The London Fund and INFLUENCE -- Founder and CEO

Armand Galustian

GigaStar -- Partnership Manager

How should creators think about modeling their return in today’s creator economy? What are the best scenarios for today and the future? Should they seek out investment capital, sell to the highest bidder? Invest in themselves and diversify their portfolio. Bring on strategic partners? This session brings together seasoned investors and builders to explore options for unlocking collaborative growth—or how to think about packaging and selling.


  • Moderator Jim Louderback, Editor and Publisher, Inside the Creator Economy
  • Matt Gielen, CEO and Co-Founder, Electric monster
  • Ashesh Shah, Founder and CEO, The London Fund and INFLUENCE
  • Armand Galustian, Partnership Manager, GigaStar