VSNExplorer BPM


VSNExplorer BPM is a system for managing the processes of media companies that allows them to orchestrate and automate their tasks, improving their efficiency and reducing their costs. Thanks to its adaptive, customizable and integrable nature, it is an essential solution for any company seeking to optimize its most complex activities and improve its competitiveness.

VSNExplorer BPM orchestrates and automates all the processes of a company, avoiding manual errors and reducing operating costs, optimizing operations and drastically improving the time required to register new services and meet the established objectives. Its 100% web interface allows multiple users to simultaneously access VSNExplorer BPM from any location and browser, providing great flexibility when working in teams and remote environments.

VSNExplorer BPM includes the BP editor tool for creating, modifying and customizing BPs and workflows quickly and easily, no matter how complex they are. To do this, you only need to select and drag the predefined tasks and actions you want to include from the items menu and interrelate all of them using specific connectors and rule sets.

Product Specs

Maximum customization: Thanks to the BP editor, the user can customize workflows at any time, introducing changes in the processing and automation of tasks and generating independent and customizable metadata forms for each manual task.

Process management via Kanban: VSNExplorer BPM includes a project and process organization tool as visual and intuitive as the Kanban methodology, which allows users to know at all times what tasks are pending completion and in what phases or stages of the processes there may be inefficiencies.

Scalability & integration: The system integrates with third-party hardware and software owned by the company so that it can be controlled and included in any automation needed in the BP. This open architecture also allows the system to be expandable as business needs evolve.

Complete monitoring: the system allows you to assign tasks to users or groups of users and create control panels that monitor business processes in real time to detect inefficiencies, immediately detecting bottlenecks in the operation and helping to minimize them.

Advanced metadata management and editing: users can generate independent and fully customizable metadata forms from VSNExplorer BPM, leveraging the full power of the VSNExplorer platform’s metadata engine to parameterize any type of metadata field. These forms can be completed automatically or manually, depending on the tasks and actions required to be carried out in each stage of a BP or process.

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