
Hitomi Ltd
Hitomi Ltd

IdentBox provides a visual cue on a test pattern and confers the ability to test all the visuals and coms before broadcasting to prevent the possibility of live, on air mishaps.

Text overlaid on a test pattern can be used to indicate what is about to be shown, where, and from what camera. This is extremely useful for those at the other end, where they have loads of feeds coming in. Even for the best and most experienced professionals, even more so with the advent of remote production requirements, it’s easy to get confused. So a visual cue on a test pattern that says exactly what’s in the can is a subtle, but substantial benefit. The content has yet to be captured and broadcast, but to test all the visuals and coms beforehand is invaluable.

Even for the best and most experienced professionals, potentially more so with the advent of remote production requirements, it’s easy to get confused. So a visual cue on a test pattern that identifies it exactly is a subtle, but substantial benefit.

Similarly with multiple audio channels, all test tones can sound alike. IdentBox has a text-speech synthesiser so that the spoken word can easily be inserted into audio feeds. For example, after a sequence of tones the voice could say “commentary channel”.