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Creators in Immersive Worlds (1050)

Erika Barraza

Double Eye Studios -- Senior Producer

David Kleeman

Dubit -- SVP, Global Trends

Michaela Ternasky-Holland

Immersive Director

Jonathan Winbush

Winbush Immersive -- Motion Graphic Artist

Creators are flocking to immersive, spatial worlds, developing engaging, entertaining and transformative content. We look at Web3 spaces like Roblox, Fortnite and others to see how creators are thriving.


  • Moderator Erika Barraza, Senior Producer, Double Eye Studios
  • David Kleeman, SVP, Global Trends, Dubit
  • Michaela Ternasky Holland, Immersive Director
  • Jonathan Winbush, Motion Graphic Artist, Winbush Immersive