NAB Show Amplified: Web3 and the Metaverse

Web3 and metaverse are two of the buzziest technology terms of 2022. Blockchain is poised to change how the media industry connects with fans and monetizes content. But how, exactly, will the next generation of the internet change M&E jobs? What do you need to know about the fandom in the metaverse? Discover how to make digital connections and real money through new technology. 

NAB Show organizers recorded many of the sessions that took place at the 2022 NAB Show and will be rolling out collections of recordings for video-on-demand (VOD) viewing exclusively on NAB Amplify. We’ve launched 25 of the most popular sessions from the 2022 NAB Show. These sessions have been divided into five themed tracks that are available for purchase. View Other NAB Show Amplified Tracks