
Nextera offers the complete SMPTE ST 2110 solution including SMPTE ST 2059 PTP and NMOS Control Software (IS-04, IS-05, and IS-08). Our focus is video processing cores and design services, from architecture to turnkey development. As FPGA/SoC design specialists, we are Xilinx and Intel PSG (Altera) partners. Demonstrations include ST 2110 video over IP transport, ST 2059 precision time protocol, and NMOS control software, including device discovery, registration, and live switching. New products include SMPTE 2022-8 and an SDI Core which provides all of the features missing from the Xilinx UHD SDI Logicore to be production-ready. Includes Audio and ANC Embedder/De-Embedder and much more. Our cores are network speed independent and are capable of running at 1G, 10G, 25G, and 100G.

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