Private: Taiwan S...
Private: Taiwan Space Show 2021-2022

The future high-speed communications eco-system is evolving to a layered architecture of service provision to terrestrial user devices from a multitude of aerial communications platforms: GEO, MEO, LEO. 

Zinwell’s solutions are based on high efficiency Electronically Steered Multi-Beam Antenna technology. Our modular array can scale to support small to large arrays and one to many simultaneous data service beams per array. A single antenna can illuminate multiple simultaneous beams in the coverage area. Moreover, a payload may include several antenna arrays providing much higher communication capacity and much larger area coverage.

Product Specs

  • For Satcom Ku / Ka and 5G mmWave Application
  • RHCP/LHCP or VER/HOR Polarization
  • Electronic Steering, Two Dimensions
  • Wide Angle Scanning Range ±30o from Boresight
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