Marquise Technologies

MIST is a high-end mastering system offering in one unique solution unrivalled features for the creation of any type of masters. This timeline based powerful solution enables multiple processing on the content: HDR conversions, conforming, color grading, editing & subtitles management.

MIST allows users to create, manage and QC 4K HDR or ACES content including DCP, IMF, AS-11, X1, AS 10, MXF ProRes, iTunes packages and many more

MIST is available in two versions, to answer at best the customer needs:

MIST Prime provides facilities with an advanced solution for the delivery of DCPs and broadcast files like AS-11, AS-10, XAVC or iTunes packages.

MIST Studio is the weapon of choice for high-end deliveries like Dolby Cinema DCPs, IMF masters, Dolby Vision workflows, and immersive audio support.

Product Specs

Perpetual license, including 12 months of support & software maintenance

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