M-PIP IP/SDI picture-in-picture device
The M-PIP is a double box generator and the industry’s only dedicated picture-in-picture device.
The M-PIP is designed for playout applications that need one or two picture-in-picture boxes to be inset on the main program. It allows two input flows to be sized and positioned in advance and then layered over either the third input flow or an internal matte generator. A colored border, as well as edge softness, can be applied to each box if required. The boxes can be faded up and down, while the background can be faded out to black.
The M-PIP works with IP (ST 2022 and ST 2110), with SDI or with both IP and SDI at the same time.
The M-PIP is a cost-effective solution for those who only require picture-in-picture functionality, while it can also be used to add extra capability to a standard playout or studio system.
The M-PIP is a software app that runs on the MARBLE-V1 media processor hardware, a card which features a powerful CPU/GPU processor and both SDI and 10GbE IP network interface connections and which is housed in the Vision frame.
Read the M-PIP brochure for more information…