FileCatalyst Workflow


FileCatalyst Workflow is a customizable web portal that simplifies file exchange and boosts productivity by streamlining submission, distribution, and file sharing workflows. Users may submit files to your organization for processing, with full tracking at every stage, or they may securely distribute files to anyone with an email address. In addition “File Areas” allow users to store files in your organization’s local storage or private cloud for collaboration, with online access from anywhere. Additionally users may send requests to other people outside of your network to send them files.

Product Specs

Lost File Prevention

FileCatalyst Workflow inserts files into your organizational workflow as soon as they are submitted. Upon submission the progress of each file is tracked from beginning to end.

Access Files from Anywhere

Use FileCatalyst Workflow as your organization’s central web-based storage location where files can be accessed, shared and configured in file areas through any web browser.

Distribute Large Files via Email

Send files of any size at accelerated speeds where recipients simply click the download link in the email to initiate the transfer.

Receive Large Files via Web Portals

Password protect submission portals or set up “anonymous” drop boxes for anyone.

Custom Templating System

Customize FileCatalyst Workflow to reflect your corporate look and feel with our easy to use templating system.

No End User Software Installation

With a web browser being the only requirement to use FileCatalyst Workflow, there isn’t a need to install any software for end users.

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