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5 Minutes with … IMDb

Natasha Bishop

IMDb -- Head of Business Development

Natasha Bishop discusses IMDb’s plans for the 2024 NAB Show. Bishop, Head of Business Development for IMDb, previews some of the new products, technologies, customers and partners IMDb will be showcasing at NAB Show.

About IMDb
IMDb is the world’s most popular and authoritative source for information on movies, TV shows, and celebrities. Products and services to help fans discover and decide what to watch and where to watch it include: the IMDb website for desktop and mobile devices; apps for iOS and Android; and, X-Ray on Prime Video. For entertainment industry professionals, IMDb provides IMDbPro and Box Office Mojo. Data licensed from IMDb powers the creation, discovery, and enjoyment of entertainment worldwide including major studios, global streamers, consumer brands, and social networks; learn more at IMDb is an Amazon company. For more information, visit