402 Results for Industry Research
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Live Demos, How-Tos and Research Illustrate Industry Trends
NAB Show exhibit floor offers more opportunities for attendees to gain knowledge and sharpen skills than ever before.
Good AI Is Ethical AI: The Media & Entertainment Industry Has to Check Itself
“The ethical issue now has to be baked into every single conversation about technology,” explains ETC’s Yves Bergquist.
Rethink Research: It’s the End of M&E As We Know It
We all acknowledge that media and entertainment is in a period of excessive disruption, but Rethink Research has a more foreboding forecast.
Futuri Research: Human-AI Broadcasting Is About to Start a Beautiful Friendship
A new study on the role of AI in media offers an unprecedented look into how audiences perceive and interact with AI-driven content.
Omdia Research: Factors That Will Further the Adoption of FAST
New research from Omdia to be presented at NAB Show reveals that studios are moving ahead “more forcefully” with ad-centric strategies.
Research: Peak TV Has… Peaked. So Here’s What’s Coming Next.
Post-Peak TV streamers will lean more heavily on international content, take fewer risks, and return to network TV format and scheduling.
Research: Tracing the FAST Trajectory
Available now to download, “A Beginner’s Guide to FAST” will be presented at NAB Show by GRG Global’s VP of Media Research, Gavin Bridge.
Evan Shapiro: What New Gaming Research Reveals (You Actually Would Be Surprised)
PCH data shows much about the gaming market is unexpected or even counter to conventional thinking. Get Evan Shapiro’s take.
AI Is “Dumb” and Humans Wield the Worrying Power (Say MIT and Stanford Researchers)
MIT’s Daniela Rus explains, “AI can give us a lot of benefits, but the same benefits can empower supervillains.”
Evan Shapiro Amplified: Rebuilding the Industry
Media universe cartographer Evan Shapiro charts a course through the current media apocalypse towards rebuilding the industry.
Evan Shapiro to Predict “What’s Next” for the Media Industry at NAB Show New York Keynote
Our “official unofficial cartographer,” Shapiro will use this keynote to lay out the next era of media, whether we’re ready for it or not.
AI for the Entertainment Industry: What Could Happen vs. What’s Actually Happening
While much of the potential impact of AI on entertainment is still hypothetical, creative guilds are taking steps to protect their members.