33 Results for Digital Rights Management / Content Protection
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Why Content Protection Is a Billion Dollar Problem
The business case to protect content is clear. Piracy extorts revenues, fosters black-market criminal activity and erodes earnings.
Flipping the Script on Security: How Little Cinema Digital Leveraged Security to Innovate
Of course security needs to be secure. But what if security could also enable amazing innovations and new business models to happen?
With the End of the Hollywood Writers and Actors Strikes, the Creator Economy Is the Next Frontier for Organized Labor
The creator economy is the next front for organized labor as creators demand to be seen as entertainers worthy of basic labor protections.
Jaron Lanier: We Need AI Regulation and Data Provenance (ASAP)
Tech visionary and Microsoft “Prime Unifying Scientist” Jaron Lanier calls for regulation in AI, in the interest of society… and Big Tech.
With Documentaries, Deepfakes Can Be Used for… Good?
Deepfake technologies are starting to be used for documentaries and advocacy work, presenting filmmakers both opportunities and challenges.
AI and the Future of the Creative Industries
Thrown into sharp relief by the Hollywood strikes, the debate over human creativity versus generative AI has become a battleground.
AI Copyright Law Is Complete Chaos But It Doesn’t Have to Be
The furor over AI obscures the fact that the issues the guilds are striking against can be decided with simple extensions to existing laws.
What To Do If Your IP is Being Stolen By Generative AI
Existing laws have significant implications for the use of generative AI, and the courts are sorting out how these laws should be applied.
AI for the Entertainment Industry: What Could Happen vs. What’s Actually Happening
While much of the potential impact of AI on entertainment is still hypothetical, creative guilds are taking steps to protect their members.
Dive Into Data at NAB Show
Bryndan Moore and Arisha Smith discuss how data and analytics are reshaping the media landscape and how entertainment companies are playing catch-up.
Should Generative AI Be Held to the Same Copyright Laws as Human Creators?
An AI proponent refutes arguments that generative AI is unfair to creators but also acknowledges there are legitimate IP rights at stake.
Why Deepfakes Do a Number on Cybersecurity
Increasingly prevalent in politics and the entertainment industry in recent years, deepfakes now also threaten business and enterprise.